Review of makeup products from Dresslink

This article is about the make-up products that we have received from Dresslink. Earlier this year will present my desires, and about a week ago I received the package. Unfortunately my visit to the post left a bitter taste, throw postmen knew how grab packages, but honestly I did not expect to wear so and to those from outside.
Notice that false eyelashes did not get very full, but to be honest I did not expect that and makeup have suffered. When I got home I decided to see what it looks like, to be honest I had booked for them most about.
After I removed my hands box were made from one of the blue powders which broke from what I understood, I was really lucky, only one color in the first box was damaged. In the second box two colors were hit, but not too bad. But still they can be used, and their quality has managed to overshadow how people behave decide to post the parcels.
Going over that post is infamous gate with packages, goods received from Dresslink are splendid. The powder is very easy to apply, as well as makeup. In the pictures below and discover a little makeup done with makeup received from Dresslink and black pencil in this set.
I like pencils that do not interrupt it becomes immediately apparent as you apply and in addition you can easily delete them.
If you want makeup of the story will recommend makeup kits from Dresslink and eye pencils. Soon he will return with more makeup made with these products. For more questions are available for comment.
Articolul acesta este despre produsele de make-up pe care le-am primit de la Dresslink. La inceputul acestui an va prezentam dorintele mele, iar acum aproximativ o saptamana am si primit coletul. Din pacate vizita la posta mi-a lasat un gust amar, stiam ca postasi arunca cu coletele cum apuca, dar sincer nu ma asteptam sa se poarte asa si cu cele din afara.
Observasem ca genele false nu au ajuns tocmai intregi, dar sincera sa fiu nu ma asteptam ca si fardurile sa fi avut de suferit. Atunci cand am ajuns acasa am decis sa vad cum arata, sincera sa fiu pentru ele imi facusem cele mai multe griji.
Dupa ce am scos cutia mainile mele s-au facut albastre de la una din pudrele care se sparsese, din cate am inteles eu am fost chiar norocoasa, doar o singura culoare din prima cutie era avariata. In cea de a doua cutie erau doua culori lovite, insa nu foarte rau. Pot fi folosite insa in continuare, iar calitatea lor a reusit sa umbreasca modul in care cei de la posta decid sa se comporte cu coletele.
Trecand peste faptul ca posta se poarta execrabil cu coletele, produsele primite de la Dresslink sunt splendide. Pudra este foarte usor de aplicat, la fel si fardurile. In pozele de mai jos descoperiti si un mic machiaj realizat cu fardurile primite de la Dresslink si cu creionul negru din acest set.
La creioane imi place faptul ca nu se intrerup, se observa imediat cum le aplici si in plus te poti sterge foarte usor de ele.
Daca si voi va doriti machiaje de poveste va recomand trusele de machiaj de la Dresslink si creioanele de ochi. In curand ma voi intoarce cu mai multe machiaje realizate cu aceste produse. Pentru mai multe intrebari va stau la dispozitie in comentarii.
imi plac foarte mult atat trusa cat si creioanele si imi pare rau ca nu ti-a ajuns intreaga trusa 🙁
Eu totusi ma bucur pentru ca doar culoarea albastru a avut de suferit, restul au ajuns intacte. 🙂 In mod normal trebuia sa fac o sesizare la posta, dar am observat de abia acasa.