Long dress from Romwe Review

Hello, my dear. Today I will present dress that I speak after a few weeks. Frankly I still do not believe you came, I expected it with such excitement.Black Lace Sash High Low Dress
I was like a little kid waiting long promised gift, but here it has come to my joy and more importantly did not have to get to customs after her, but I picked it up from the post office where I belong.

Black Lace Sash High Low Dress
Dress is more beautiful than on the site, I really like how lace is combined with white material. Just like on the site dress is shorter in front and longer in back is kind of wedding dresses with train.

Black Lace Sash High Low Dress
Taken with a pair of heels is absolutely gorgeous, very well go to a party or a wedding.

Black Lace Sash High Low Dress


Salutare, dragii mei. Astazi va voi prezenta rochita de care va vorbeam in urma cu cateva saptamani. Sincera sa fiu nici acum nu imi vine sa cred ca a ajuns, am asteptat-o cu atata nerabdare.

Black Lace Sash High Low Dress
Eram ca un copil mic care asteapta cadoul mult promis, dar uite ca spre bucuria mea a ajuns si mai mult decat atat nu a trebuit sa ajung la vama dupa ea, ci am ridicat-o de la oficiul postal de care apartin.

Black Lace Sash High Low Dress
Rochita este mult mai frumoasa decat pe site,imi place foarte mult modul in care dantela se imbina cu materialul alb. Exact ca pe site rochia este mai scurta in fata si mai lunga in spate, este in genul rochiilor de mireasa cu trena.

Black Lace Sash High Low Dress
Luata cu o pereche de pantofi cu toc este absolut superba, merge foarte bine pentru o petrecere sau pentru o nunta.

Black Lace Sash High Low Dress

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