Colored nail products made from newchic!

Those who follow me on instagram already know that brag for weeks gels nail UV lamps received from I hope I just think this week I managed to do gel nails and and stay that way. But to start from the beginning exactly what we need to achieve a manicure the book:

1. 36 Colors Glitter Acrylic UV Gel Builder Polish Set


As you probably expect, and gels are the first we will talk. This kit has conquered me at first sight for several reasons primarily because it has diversified colors, and secondly because the price is so low. Just a simple comparison between the price of these gels in a store in our country and at the site and we see big differences.


Gel dries very quickly, and all come in special boxes were sealed. I love that sits very well on the nail. The hardest part is but to distinguish boxes together, that I initially tried to write color on every cover, but when you have 5 shades of blue you can not even write.


Then my father came up with the idea to put a drop on each nail cap and then to dry, so you always see what color is in the jar. The idea was great because I could verify gels and lamp are good without my affection nails. Below is detailed pictures with all the colors.


2. 9W Mini USB UV Gel Polish Nail Art Dryer Curing LED Lamp Machine Manicure


Without a UV lamp you did not do anything, you will not dry gels, and you will be wasting time. But by using these lamps have escaped the problems, it is very small tucks neatly in the bag, so you can accompany and vacations. LEDs are lit for about a minute, after which they can turn and at the touch of a button. The lamp can be connected to laptop external battery or plug depending on the possibilities.


You can see what came out the first time I did gel nails in the picture above. I know you are not perfect, but I’m still learning and I still struggle to be better. Then I chose to put the gel directly onto the primer for those who do not know is a white substance that puts the nail gel before treatment. The thing is that the gel is as nail polish, glitter case are needs a layer of colored gel underneath.


The second attempt was more successful, I say, I used the gel for a gel base and green from the set above. Of course I could not Remove any nail the decals so I added a few and these two manicures. Below I leave photos and other gels nail received. Each box hides a gorgeous color and I hope to have time to test them all.

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Later edit: You can have 20% off from any order using the cupone code: Arriana in the period: July 21st to 2017 Jan. 22th.

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