OOTD-1 by Dresslink.com

Well I found, my darlings.
Earlier this week I raised the dresslink.com package, tell you about it a few weeks ago. Frankly I do not think that one was my fault and that all products will be able to realize two OOTD. The package he brought me very much joy at the beginning of the academic year.
Today I will present the first outfit is very funny and nice. It is perfect for warmer days of fall and winter of course go with a coat longer, but already talk about something else. The first product of outfit that I won is:
Women’s New Casual Flower/Pattern Print Chiffon Shirt Tops Blouse
It is a blue blouse with flowers, I really like this shirt because it has a model so beautiful. It is made of cotton and the fabric is very good. From the base of the blouse is an elastic which makes it so nice to sit on the body.
And back blouse looks just beautiful. The material it is made gives the body the ability to breathe. I chose size L, but I think the best would be to take an XL. If you would like such a blouse remember to check measurements table.
At this blouse I assorted this pair of leggings:
Women Fashion Jeggings Stretch Skinny Leggings Tights Pencil Pants Casual Snowflake Pattern Jeans
Shirt is blue because I decided to assorted pair of leggings blue, he got out and I can see in the images below:
The pair of leggings is very beautiful and very well sit on the body. I like very much for hiding small imperfections of the body. The material of the dries easily after being washed.
The only problem is that these leggings are not suitable for cold weather seem very thin. In exchange for those cold, as I am, they go underneath pair of jeans or shorts. Even if their model is simple they have a very good effect on those who see them.
The outfit is perfect for an exit with friends in town for a day of school or a college. The outfit is quite elegant and beautiful. I would wear it every day because it is very convenient. In the pictures I matched it with a pair of blue sandals and a necklace with hearts. What do you think of my outfit? Do not forget soon return with a new OOTD!
Îți stă bine!
I like your outfit! You look so special
Hehee si eu tot Mickey am zis ca e, foarte draguta tinuta ta <3
imi place culoarea albastra si chiar te prinde bine…
exact ca irina, si eu am zis ca-i Mickey 😀 imi plac mult colantii, sunt super faini!
Frumos albastru și interesant modelul. Te scoate așa din monotonia de toamnă.
Puteam sa jur ca e Mikey Mouse, apoi parca mi se parea ca e una din veveritele alea doua, nu le mai reti, abia dupa ce am intrat pe link parca pareau flori… 😀
E foarte interesanta 🙂
Imi place nuanta de albastru si iti sta foarte bine si preturile sunt ok
O bluza foarte frumoasa cu flori desi trebuie sa recunosc ca la prima vedere am crezut ca este cu Mickey Mouse :))) Iti sta foarte bine 🙂
Este o tinuta draguta, iti vine bine. Imi plac floricelele, deci bluza este super, am si eu o pereche de pantaloni exact la fel, singurul dezavantaj este ca sunt cam scurti, merg la cizme doar
zau ca arata al naibii de bine pentru niste colanti la 3 dolari. Eu chiar am zis ca sunt blugi pana sa intru pe site 😀
3$??? Atât de puțin au costat? Sunt foarte frumoase lucrușoarele si cel mai probabil asta este una printre cele mai frumoase ținute ale tale.
I like your outfit, it is very nice!