Etichetă: jeans

Answear este răspunsul pentru o garderobă completă

Mânuța sus cine nu își pune măcar o dată pe săptămână întrebarea „Dar eu cu ce mă îmbrac astăzi?”… Sincer nu cred că există astfel de femei, zic femei pentru că bărbaților le este cel mai ușor să creeze ținute: o pereche de pantaloni, o bluză, un sacou sau...

The first order of Dresslink review

Well I found you, dear readers. Some time ago I presented an article with the things that I wanted to Dresslink, that I have not shown was that I also placed an order with the desired products. This order was processed very fast from the site and after a...

1.I wish this outfit from Dresslink

Well I found you, dear readers.    Article today is meant to present my new acquisitions in terms of fashion. I chose this site with a totally special, it is Dresslink site, I discovered during one of their campaigns. Today I could not leave the site without making an...